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​​​Grandmaster Sin in Austin Feb. 2024

Friday, Feb. 21 - Upper Belt/Sash Testing at SAKF

Doors open at 6pm, Kung Fu starts 6:30p (ish), Tai Chi 7:45p (ish)
Pre-Tests in class on Monday & Tuesday, Feb. 10 & 11
After passing your pre-test, pay your test fee here


Sunday, Feb. 23 - Seminars with Grandmaster Sin

at North Austin School

8910 Research Blvd E-1, Austin, TX 78758

Mulan Single Broadsword
9AM to 2PM

Mulan Broadsword - Get ready for another step in our journey to see the Mulan system forms. Grandmaster Sin has shown us Mulan Single Fan, 4 Cotton Fist forms, Long Tassel Sword, Double Rings, Horse Tail Whip, Double Butterfly Forms and On February 23rd he will show us Mulan Broadsword form. The form is comprised of 8 sections with just 3 moves each section. But the "moves" are actually quite involved in the Mulan forms. Grandmaster Sin described the movements as fluid like a dragon with the sword attacking everywhere.

Open to any adult student or junior black belt student.

Use this link to register for Mulan Broadsword




Hua Tuo Animal Chi Kung Level 2
4 PM to 6 PM

Grandmaster Sin taught us the Hua Tuo (Chinese Doctor born in 140 AD) 5 animal chi kung more than 40 years ago. Now he is revisiting the set with additional breath and movement instruction. The Hua Tuo animal chi kung is powerful and has stood the test of time for 2000 years. You do not need the first level to learn and benefit from this seminar from Grandmaster Sin. He will be taking us through several breathing and meditation basics in addition to the Hua Tuo techniques.

Open to all adult kung fu and tai chi students of any level.

For out of town students there will be a ZOOM option for this seminar

Use this link to register for Hua Tuo Chi Kung




Sparring & Self-Defense for Women


Six Class Series - Sundays 3:00-4:00pm 

March 2, 9, 16, 30, April 6, 13 (no class March 23)

at South Austin Kung Fu


Non-Students $100
Current Students $40

Build physical skills, strength, and muscle memory to feel confident when facing an opponent.  This class will offer an intimidation-free environment to explore bag-work, sparring, and self-defense exercises choosing your comfort level around partnering with others.  Approach aggression and self-protection in a consent-focused classroom with other folks you can trust to honor your boundaries and face challenges together.  â€‹




Zoom Seminar with Grandmaster Sin


Sunday, March 23 - Southern Mantis

Southern Shaolin Mantis
via Zoom
2:00-6:00pm ET/1:00-5:00pm CT

This spring, Grandmaster Sin has decided to the Southern Shaolin Mantis form which consists of 53 postures. Along with the kata, he will be teaching the various pressure point targets and the applications. In previous seminars, he has taught multiple mantis forms from the Northern Shaolin Mantis system but this will be the first one he has ever taught form the Southern Shaolin Mantis system.

Register Here


© 2023 by South Austin Kung Fu. 

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