Kids Kung Fu
Kids learn Kung Fu in a fun, supportive atmosphere that encourages mental focus and inner discipline. As they learn to set and reach goals and milestones, they gain a greater self-confidence in all areas of their life.
Kung Fu Helps Kids Increase:
Mental Focus
Inner Confidence In Every Situation
Inner Discipline and Perseverance
Health, Fitness, and Stamina
Parents often tell us...
We often hear parents tell us that our Kids Kung Fu program is the only thing their child has ever "stuck with". They often say that organized sports or other activities never held the child's interest for very long. However, these same kids end up spending years with us and reinvent themselves as highly skilled, highly confident people. They learn that there isn't anything they "can't" do, and they never allow themselves to quit something important.
Kids Kung Fu Beginners Schedule
Tigers (Age 4-6)
Two 30 minute classes per week.
Dragons (Age 7 - up)
Three 45 minute classes per week. Two of the classes focus on learning new material and skills, plus a conditioning class to build strength and endurance.​